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Edinburgh Advice Partnership
Learn about how we work together with a shared vision and purpose and how we support the Edinburgh Advice Network
The Edinburgh Advice Partnership (EAP), formerly the Income Maximisation and Poverty Group, brings together advice providers and key strategic partners with a shared vision and purpose. Unlike the Edinburgh Advice Network (EAN) which gathers a broad group of practitioners, the EAP consists of sector leaders and serves as the steering group for the EAN. Each network member can be represented in the EAP, either directly or through a partner organisation, and a subgroup of the EAP supports the EAN with event planning.​​​​​​
To work collaboratively with all benefit and advice providers across the city, and in partnership with other agencies with the aim to increase money in the pockets of Edinburgh’s citizens in order to move towards a poverty free Edinburgh.
Edinburgh Advice Network: Acts as the steering group, making strategic decisions, addressing issues, and advising on development and management.
Collaboration: Establishing opportunities for networking and collaborative working.
Knowledge Sharing: Promotes continuous learning and resource sharing.
Needs Assessment: Identifies needs to prevent duplication and fill gaps.
Service Integration: Enhances coordination, integration and collaboration between services.
Service Excellence: emphasising the development of high-quality, holistic, accessible, and compassionate services.​
Community Planning: Supporting the Edinburgh Partnership by contributing to the annual poverty plan and LOIP 1 ("Enough Money to Live On") and overseeing the implementation of relevant agreed actions under LOIP 1.
Resources: Ensures quality of resources such as Money Counts training, Crisis Guide, The Worrying about Money guide and relevant council webpages.
City of Edinburgh Council Advice Shop
Citizens Advice Edinburgh
Community Help & Advice Initiative (CHAI)
Granton Information Centre
The Action Group -representing FAIR, VOCAL and LCiL
City of Edinburgh Council Revenue and Benefits Team
Capital City Partnership
Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership
Home Energy Scotland
NHS Lothian Public Health Directorate
Housing Association Representative (TBC)
Social Security Scotland
Edinburgh Food Project (Food Bank Representative)
The Department of Work and Pensions
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